Deming's classic work on management, based on his famous 14 Points for Management.
"Long-term commitment to new learning and new philosophy is required of any management that seeks transformation. The timid and the fainthearted, and the people that expect quick results, are doomed to disappointment." —from Out of the Crisis
Author Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a household name in Japan, became the prime catalyst behind the incredible success of Japanese industry. In fact, since 1951, the Deming Prize has been the most coveted and prestigious award among Japanese corporations. Today, Deming is finally becoming a household name in his own country. The lessons he has to teach American business are more urgent and important than ever. Just how different is the Deming Management Method? Compare just a few of the many differences in beliefs between conventional organizations and Deming organizations and you will want to change right away. Author The Quality Toolbox is a comprehensive reference to a variety of methods and techniques: those most commonly used for quality improvement, many less commonly used, and some created by the author and not available elsewhere.
Author Total quality management (TQM) is a term initially coined by the Naval Air Systems Command to describe its management approach to quality improvement. It has since taken on many meanings. Simply put, TQM is a management approach to long-term success through customer satisfaction. It is based on the participation of all members of an organization in improving processes, products, services, and the culture they work in.
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